Friday, December 10, 2010

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

In 1968, Nancy and Paul Musuco were busy unloading a truck-full of Christmas trees that they planned to sell from their corner lot when Nancy noticed an envelope sticking out behind one of the branches. It was addressed to Santa. 
" Dear Santa,

My name is Heather and I am ten years old. My mom is having a new baby so she told me and my brothers that we couldn't really afford to get any Christmas presents this year. I was just wondering if you could still bring me  a doll and my little brothers some toy soldiers?
Love Heather-
ps- I live in Canada in the red house

Paul's response was: "Nancy buy this girl the biggest doll you can find and send it to the address on the letter. So, Nancy did and a few weeks after Christmas they received a letter from Heather's mom thanking them for the doll and telling the Musuco's a little a bit about their family.  Yes, it was true a new baby was on it's way and things were tight but they weren't hungry or homeless.It truly was a thank you letter and not someone just looking for a handout.
Again, Paul instructed his wife to send them some money and over the next ten years a wonderful correspondence developed between the two families.
What makes this story unique is that the Musuco's didn't have much money either. Paul had lost his job and they had four children of their own to care for. They sold the trees to help make ends meet.
So yes Heather there is a Santa Claus !

Side Note: Paul died not soon after, but Nancy lived until she was 92. She came to live @ the Senior apartments with her daughter Rose who told me this story. When I blog about Rose you will see how there example to their children still lives on in Rose.

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